5814 Van Allen Way Ste 215, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Covered by Most Insurances Including Medicare!

IV Therapy

IV Therapy

Drip IV Therapy is an advanced nutritional therapy that delivers essential vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes directly into your bloodstream via an intravenous drip. This powerful combination of nutrients helps to repair, rehydrate, and renew your body to provide immediate relief from fatigue, stress, or illness. At Carlsbad Center for Integrative Medicine we customize your treatment plan to meet your individual needs and provide you with various health benefits. Schedule an appointment today to begin feeling better.

IV Therapy Treatments

Chronic Fatigue

Are you experiencing chronic fatigue, lack of focus, brain fog or just tired?


Are you feeling anxious, worried or depressed from the pressures of everyday life?

Immune Boost

Has your immunity been compromised by post-COVID, or any other chronic health condition?


Different vitamin deficiencies can contribute to poor mental, physical and emotional health. 

Covered by Most Insurances Including Medicare!

IV THERAPY - Covered By Most Insurances

1. Consultation

Our Integrative medical professionals are primary care physicians who will take the time required to listen and understand your health concerns.

2. Evaluation and Analysis

We have access to many specialized labs around the country that will evaluate and analyze your blood results.

3. Treatment

Our medical professionals will sit down with you and explain the lab results and prescribe a personalized treatment plan

Covered by Most Insurances Including Medicare!

How Can We Help?

Fill out the form below and a doctor will contact you.

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